Carriger Solar

Carriger Solar Project


About Carriger Solar Project

Carriger Solar is a utility-scale solar energy facility proposed in Klickitat County that will provide numerous benefits for the local community. It is projected to generate millions in property tax revenue that will help fund local schools, roads and emergency services without adding significant infrastructure needs. It will also create hundreds of local construction jobs, attract new businesses, and prevent the emission of thousands of cubic tons of harmful carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
The project will be developed on private land within Klickitat County in an area that officials have identified as suitable for the establishment of solar energy resources. The location offers ideal proximity to transmission lines, plentiful availability of land, and minimal impact to the environment.
The project developer, Cypress Creek Renewables, is committed to the Pacific Northwest, where it has generated over 100MW of renewable energy at several solar and storage projects that it has developed and operates. The company has a track record of supporting community initiatives such as scholarships and workforce development programs in the areas where it operates – and intends to continue these efforts in Klickitat County.
Carriger Solar will support the state of Washington in achieving its transition to 100% clean energy under the Clean Energy Transition Act while providing low-cost, clean and dispatchable electricity to utility customers across the state.

Carriger Solar Project offers 160 MW of solar generating potential and has the option to include up to 63 MW of battery energy storage. This is enough energy to power 32,500 homes.


The project is proposed on private land zoned for agriculture and general rural use, adjacent to and south of the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Knight Road substation in Goldendale, Washington.


Key Benefits

This project will generate between $19-$30 million in local property tax and rollback tax revenue and up to $9 million in state sales tax revenue.

Carriger Solar is expected to provide over 360 million kWh per year of clean, silent, carbon-free energy to Washington’s residents and businesses.

Solar power is not only cost-competitive with conventional electric generation — it eliminates fluctuating fuel and transportation cost risks.

Carriger Solar could generate between 350-450 or more jobs for local contractors during its construction phase.

Carriger Solar is expected to provide more than 360 million kilowatt hours per year of clean, carbon-free energy to Washington residents and businesses. To put this in perspective, this is enough electricity to power 32,500 Washington homes. 


Click here to see photographic renderings of what Carriger Solar project might look like once it’s built, from different vantage points in the area.